Downtown Presbyterian Church


Nashville, TN

The final six photos of this page show the console details after and organ rebuild/moderniz/renovation by Milnar Organ Company in 2008.

(Click here to view photos taken during the 2001 sanctaury renovation and more recent photos of the inside of the Austin Universal Wind Chest.)

Click on any image for a larger picture.


Austin Organ Co. - 1913

Austin Opus #443
Console by Aeolian-Skinner - 1946
Additions and renovation by Milnar Organ Co.
46 ranks
3 manual drawknob console

Great (Manual II) - 61 notes

Quintaton 16’
Principal 8’
Bourdon 8
Octave 4’

Rohr Flote 4’
Super Octave 2’
Fourniture IV
Trompette 8’
Echo Chimes
Swell (Manual III) - 61 notes

Rohr Flute 8’
Viola 8'
Viole Celeste 8’
Principal 4’
Koppel Flute 4’

Block Flute 2’
Quinte Flöte 1 1/3’
Scharf III
Contra Fagatto 16’
Oboe 8’
Clarion 4’
Choir (Manual I) - 61 notes  

Holz Gedeckt 8’
Quintadena 8’
Flauto Traverso 4’
Flute D’Amour 4’

Nazard 2 2/3’
Harmonic Piccolo 2’
Cymbel III
Clarinet 8’

Flauto Dolce 8’
Unda Maris 8’
Violon cello 8’

Pedal - 32 notes  

Bourdon 16’
Violon 16’
Quintaton 16’ Gt.
Principal 8’
Gedeckt 8’

Choral Basse 4’
Nachthorn 4’
Mixture III
Posaune 16’
Posaune 8’