University of North Alabama, Florence


Florence, AL

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Wicks Organ Co. 1969

Studio Organ in office of Dr. Tom Ed Moore
Wicks 1969
4 ranks
2 manual stoptab console

Great (Manual I) - 61 notes

Principal 8'
Rohr Gedeckt 8'
Gemshorn 8'
Principal 4'
Copula 4'

Octave 2'
Gemshorn 2'
Mixture III 
Fagot 8'
Clarion 4'
Swell (Manual II) - 61 notes

Gemshorn 8'
Rohr Flute 8'
Flute 4'
Gemshorn 4'
Quint 2 2/3'

Rohr Flute 2'
Larigot 1 1/3'
Gemshorn 1'
Fagot 8'
Pedal - 32 notes

Subbass 16'
Principal 8' 
Rohr Gedeckt 8'

Choral Bass 4' 
Flute 2'
Fagot 8'
Fagot 4'